The star rating is among the most important factors when choosing an electrical appliance. The star in the Refrigerator in India indicates the appliance’s level of energy consumption.

To get the best energy efficiency from your appliances, you should aim for a star rating of at least 3.5. It will ensure that your appliance uses less energy, is more environmentally friendly, and saves many electricity bills.

If you’re looking for a fridge that’s both energy-efficient and budget-friendly, then consider buying a fridge with a high star rating. In India, a fridge with 5-star ratings is readily available and is a great option for those who want to save on their electricity bills.

What is the star rating in Refrigerators in India?

When it comes to appliances like air conditioners and refrigerators, many people need clarification about which star rating to go for. In India, the star rating system for both these appliances differs from that in other countries. This blog will discuss the star rating system for refrigerators in India and what it means.

In India, the star rating system for refrigerators is as follows:

1 star: 1-Star Refrigerator is the most basic and entry-level model. They are the most affordable option and ideal for small families or those with a limited budget. These refrigerators consume more power than other models with higher star ratings.

2-star: 2-Star Rated refrigerators are slightly more energy-efficient than 1-star models. A refrigerator rated at a 2-Star Rating consumes more electricity than a refrigerator rated at a 3-star.

3 star: A 3-Star Rated Refrigerator is a refrigerator rated by the National appliances energy rating system as being in the top energy efficiency tier. 3-Star Refrigerators with this rating are the most energy-efficient and ideal for families who often use their fridges.

4-star refrigerators with a 4-Star Rating are more energy-efficient than those with a 3-Star Rated Refrigerator and are ideal for families who often use their fridges.

5 star: refrigerators with this rating are the most energy-efficient, ideal for families who use their fridges very often, and best to save electricity bills.

How the star rating system works?

The star rating system is a way of showing how energy efficient a fridge is. The more stars in a refrigerator, the more efficient it is in using energy. The star rating system goes from one star to five stars. A one-star fridge is the least energy efficient, and a five-star fridge is the most energy efficient.

The star rating system is essential because it helps you know how much your fridge will cost to run. A one-star fridge will cost more to run than a five-star fridge. If you want a new fridge, you should always check the star rating to see its energy efficiency.

A few different things are looked at when a fridge is being tested for its star rating. The first thing that is looked at is the fridge’s energy consumption. The energy consumption is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). The second thing that is looked at is the capacity of the fridge. The capacity is measured in liters. The third thing that is looked at is the climate class of the fridge. The climate class measures how well the fridge can perform in different climates.

The star rating system for fridges is a way to help you compare the energy efficiency of different models. It’s a voluntary system developed by the European Union (EU) and uses a 1-5 star rating to show a fridge’s energy efficiency.

The star rating system is based on the amount of electricity a fridge uses. The higher the rating, the less electricity the fridge uses. For example, a fridge with a five-star rating uses 20% less electricity than a fridge with a four-star rating.

Fridges are tested under standardized conditions. It means that the star rating is the best way to compare the energy efficiency of different models of fridges. The star rating system is voluntary, but many manufacturers display the star rating on their products. The star rating is an excellent way to show customers how energy-efficient a fridge is.

If you’re looking for a new fridge, the star rating is an excellent way to compare the energy efficiency of different models. Look for the star rating when you’re shopping around, and choose the most energy-efficient model

Benefits of using a star rating system for refrigerators

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a refrigerator is its energy efficiency. A star rating system is a great way to compare different models’ energy efficiency quickly. Refrigerators with a higher star rating consume less energy and can save more on energy bills. They also tend to have a longer lifespan, so you’ll save money in the long run.

In addition to being more energy-efficient, star-rated refrigerators tend to be more environmentally friendly. They produce fewer greenhouse gases, so they’re better for the planet. Finally, star-rated refrigerators tend to have better features and be of higher quality overall. So, if you’re looking for the best Refrigerator for your needs, be sure to check the star rating.

5-star refrigerator power consumption per day in India

In India, the average fridge is powered by a 5-star rating. So, how much power does a 5-Star Rated Refrigerator use per day in India? A 5-Star Refrigerator uses about 1,200 watts of power per day. That’s about 3.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day. A typical Indian household uses about 30 kWh of electricity cost per day. So a 5-Star Rated Refrigerator uses about 11% of the power of a typical Indian household due to its efficient compressor.

Of course, individual fridges will use more or less power depending on their size, age, and efficiency. But on average, a 5-star fridge uses about 1,200 watts per day.

If you want to save on electricity consumption, consider upgrading to a more efficient fridge. Newer models can use as little as 800 watts per day, saving you up to 20% on your monthly power bill.


In India, there is a wide variety of refrigerator brands and models. The star rating system is a popular way to compare and choose the best Refrigerator. The 1-star rating is the lowest, and the 5-star rating is the highest rating.

The star rating system is a helpful way to compare and choose the best Refrigerator for your needs. It is essential to consider the star rating when selecting a refrigerator because it will help you decide based on the features and specifications that are important to you.

There are many different refrigerator brands and models to choose from in India. The star rating system is a helpful way to compare and choose the best Refrigerator for your needs. It is essential to consider the star rating when selecting a refrigerator because it will help you decide based on the features and specifications that are important to you.

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